Ali Ahmed Aslam, the Inventor of Chicken Tikka Masala, Passed Away at 77

Ali Ahmed Aslam, the Inventor of Chicken Tikka Masala, Passed Away at 77

Ali Ahmed Aslam was a chef who owned a restaurant called Shish Mahal in Glasgow, Scotland.

He was born in Pakistan and moved to Glasgow as a young boy.

He is believed to have invented the chicken tikka masala, a popular curry dish often referred to as Britain’s favorite.

Ali Ahmed Aslam

Ali Ahmed Aslam
Ali Ahmed Aslam

Aslam created the recipe in the 1970s when a customer complained that his chicken tikka dish was too dry.

To solve this issue, Aslam added a creamy tomato sauce to the dish consisting of yogurt, cream, and spices.

Aslam passed away at 77, and his funeral was held at Glasgow Central Mosque.

Some efforts have been made to recognize Glasgow as the home of the chicken tikka masala and to give it protected status within the European Union, but these efforts have yet to be successful.

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