Frustration Over Outdated Passport Terminology Sparks Call for Update to Reflect King Charles

Frustration Over Outdated Passport Terminology Sparks Call for Update to Reflect King Charles

Rugby Resident Urges Government to Rectify Outdated Passport Terminology

Rugby resident Ian Thompsett, 45, has voiced his discontent with the language used in his recently renewed passport.

He finds it “disgusting and disrespectful” that his document still refers to Queen Elizabeth instead of King Charles, considering it an affront to the late Queen’s memory.

Renewing his passport earlier this month for £88, Ian was taken aback to discover that it referred to “Her Majesty” rather than “His Majesty.”

Although not an avid royalist, he was surprised by the outdated wording, suspecting he may have been deceived into purchasing a counterfeit passport.

Frustration Over Outdated Passport Terminology Sparks Call for Update to Reflect King Charles
Frustration Over Outdated Passport Terminology Sparks Call for Update to Reflect King Charles

Ian is urging the government to update all passports to ensure King Charles’ reign is appropriately recognized.

The DJ from Rugby shared his frustration, stating:

“I intended to visit Amsterdam, Netherlands, in July to see Coldplay. However, upon realizing that my passport had expired, I submitted a renewal application online a fortnight ago.”

Ian continued:

“While the service was commendably swift, with the renewal process in just two weeks, I was disheartened to find that the first page still referred to the Queen, even though the King’s coronation occurred in May. The absence of any mention of the King upset me greatly. I immediately questioned whether I had fallen victim to fraud.”

Expressing his disappointment, Ian further remarked:

“It is both appalling and a direct insult to Queen Elizabeth’s memory and our current King’s position as head of state. It has been a considerable amount of time since her passing, and one would assume that the government had sufficient opportunity to update a statement in such an expensive process.”

Ian emphasized the importance of rectifying this issue promptly, stating:

“As a British document, it is evident that the passport is incorrect. While I understand that changing stamps and currency in circulation takes time, the passport should have been updated on the day of Charles’ coronation. Every passport should demonstrate respect for him as our King.”

Reflecting on his encounter with Queen Elizabeth in 1993 as an army cadet, Ian admired her and the need to honor her legacy. He stated:

“Meeting the Queen was a memorable experience for me. She was kind and gracious, and it was a moment of great pride. She played a significant role in our lives and deserves to be remembered and celebrated. Similarly, we must show the same respect for Charles as our King.”

Ian concluded by calling on the Home Office, overseen by the Passport Office, to address this issue promptly and ensure that King Charles is accorded the respect befitting his role.

The Home Office, responsible for overseeing the Passport Office, declined to comment.

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